Our office handles various types of disputes originating in the workplace in both State and Federal Courts.  The following are a few examples of some of the employment matters that Wesley Chapel Law Group  frequently handles for its clients. 

  • Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace 
    • Employment Discrimination – When an employer discriminates against an employee based on that person’s protected class, race, gender, national origin, age, religion, or disability.
    • Retaliation – When an employer or business  terminates an employee or fires them in response to actions that employee may have taken in the course of employment, such as the filing of a Worker’s Compensation Claim.
    • Harassment – Unwelcome conduct in the workplace and/or the creation of a hostile working environment.
  • Contractual – Employment contract review and negotiation of Severance or Separation Agreements, Non-Compete Clauses, Contracts for physicians or doctors and athletes.
  • Administrative – The filing of Unemployment Compensation Appeals for employees which were terminated without cause and/or disputes regarding the salary and wages actually received  when compared with same earned, including overtime and commissions.

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